Removing Children From Rosters

Sometimes in life, things come up and you may need to remove a child/children from one of your class, camp, or aftercare rosters.  This is fairly simple and quick to do, but please note--this action is not reversible, so be sure that you're certain before deleting children from your rosters!

To delete a child from one of your rosters, you'll first click on the Classes, Camps, or Aftercare icons from the menu along the left side of your screen. 

Once you have clicked on the activity name, and can see the activity roster displayed, you will click on the three dots to the far right of the child you need to remove from the roster.  In the drop down menu, you'll see the option to delete the child from the roster:

You can also click on the checkbox to the left side of the child you need to remove from the class, and then click on the trash can icon that appears above:

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