Taking Attendance

Taking attendance and keeping track of when children arrive for activities (and when they leave for home, as well) is very important--luckily with Popsicle, it's also very easy!

First, click on the appropriate icon along the left side of your screen to view your list of classes, camps, or aftercare.  Then, click on the activity name.

After you click on the Activity name, click on the Attendance tab near the top of the screen and make sure that the date in the upper right corner matches the date/day of the week you've selected:

A list of the enrolled children will be displayed, there, you can click on the "Check In" or "Check Out" options.  This will create a digital time stamp with the date and time, for your records. 

P. S. Parents will be notified by email when their child/children are checked in and checked out, so they will feel confident that their children are safe with your organization! 🎉 

**If you'd like to disable this option, you can do so by clicking on the gear wheel icon to enter your Settings, then under the Parent Portal subheading, click on Settings. There, you'll see the option to toggle on/off the email notifications to parents:

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