Adding Classes, in depth

Adding Classes

Once you've clicked on "Add Class" what's the next step?  You'll then be prompted to fill out a dialog box with the details of your class.  Here, you can see the class set up by grade level or by age. Once all the fields are filled out, click the "Continue" button:

Then, you'll need to fill out the dates and times for your class, and click on the continue button when all fields are complete: 

Next, you will set the cost of your activity, as well as any capacity details

If your class will have a fee, you will designate that here, and choose whether the amount is charged to the parent per week, per month, or just once, for the entire session.  

**Please note: if the "per week" or "per month" option is chosen, it will create a recurring subscription charge for that activity.  The parent's card will be charged the class fee each week or month until the class ends. If this was mistakingly chosen, any recurring subscriptions can be cancelled in your Stripe account.

You will have the option to offer Dynamic Discounts in this section as well, (if you choose to offer any.)

Finally, you will choose whether your class needs Add-Ons, and whether those add-ons are required:

This section is also where any additional details are added and/or required for enrollment as well: 

Once you click on "Save and Done," your children will be all set and ready to spend the day painting happy trees!  ⛅ 🎨 🎉  

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