Adding Classes

To create your first Class in Popsicle, you will first click on the "Classes" icon from the menu at the left side of your screen, and choose "Add Class" in the upper righthand corner of the screen here: 

This will open up a dialog page where you can fill in all of the details about the class you are creating:

Once you've entered your class details, you will move to the next section to designate your Dates & Times, as well as any dates that there won't be class (No class/session dates) : 

After you've entered the information regarding dates and times, the final section will allow you to set the cost of your activity, manage your capacity, and determine whether your class needs any additional Fees & Add-Ons.  After you've completed this page, simply click "Save and Done." 

Congrats!  You've just successfully created your first class! 🎉 

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