Creating Dynamic Discounts

Everyone loves a discount!  Using Popsicle's Dynamic Discounts feature, you can reward your loyal parents and families with amazing discounts on classes, camps, or aftercare.  Let's go over how to set these up in your account!

When you're creating an activity, the "Fees & Add-Ons" section is where you will set your discount preferences:

Toggle the on/off button to turn the discount option "On." You will see a drop down menu appear.  

 In the drop down menu, you can choose to offer discounts by a percentage of the cost of the activity, or a fixed dollar amount that will be deducted from the total amount due. In the same menu, you can choose the discount you'd like to apply for the activity:

The Multi-child discount is an option for families who enroll multiple children for one specific activity.

The Multi-program discount is for when a family registers a single child for multiple activities:

**Please note, when using the Multi-program discount for camps, for the discount to take effect, the chosen camps must be from different camp sessions/weeks. For instance, registering a child for two camps running July 1-5 would not warrant the discount, while registering for a camp July 1-5 and then another July 6-10 would warrant the multi-program discount.

The Early Bird discount would be for those parents who register/enroll their children before the specified date you choose: 

**The "Discount After" box, will determine how the discount will work, so please take note:

--The Multi Child discount:  You will enter the number of children that need to be enrolled in the activity in order to receive this discount in the "Discount After" box.

--The Multi Program discount: You will enter the number of other activities a child must be enrolled in, in order to receive the discount, in the "Discount After" box.

--The Early Bird discount: You will enter the last day that the discount is available in the "Ends" box.  

Once you've chosen your discounts, click on "Save and Done" at the righthand side, and you're all set! 🎉 

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