Creating Invoices

If at any time you find that you need to invoice parents or families, rather than them being charged up front for activities at your organization, you can do so very easily!

To do this, you will click on the Transactions icon at the left side menu, and then on the Invoices tab.  There, you will see the option to "Add an Invoice" in the upper righthand corner of the screen:

When you click on this option, you are able to designate the parent that you wish to invoice, a description of why you're invoicing them, the cost, and the due date for the payment.  Once you've entered these fields, you'll click the "Invoice" button at the bottom, here: 

After you've created the invoice, you will see it listed under the Invoices tab until it is paid. Once the parent pays the invoice, it will move over to the Receipts tab.  

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