Viewing former activities

Don't worry, once an activity is over, it's not gone forever! In order to keep your activity schedule clean and organized, activities are automatically archived once they're completed. Want to view an old activity in order to duplicate it, or check the roster? No problem! Here's a simple guide to viewing activities in your archive:

1. Click on the Classes, Camps, or Aftercare icons at the left side of your screen, and then on the "Filter By" button to the right of the search bar, here:

2. Click on the latest day in the timeframe you're working with, and then work backwards to the earliest day in your timeframe until you click on the earliest day, and then click on "Apply." Select the dates you're looking for by hovering over the days in the calendar until all of the affected days are purple:

3. When you click on the day that is the furthest in the past, all of your past activities will populate and you will be able to edit/duplicate/etc the activities as needed 🎉 

Here's a video of how to use these filters!


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