Remarkable Reporting!

Are you looking for a more robust reporting experience?  Look no further!  With Popsicle's new Remarkable Reporting feature, you can quickly run reports based on the class/camp details you want to see.  Here's a quick overview on this amazing feature!

When you are logged into your Popsicle account, you'll notice a new icon along the lefthand menu. Behold--Remarkable Reporting!

Simply choose which field you'd like to gather information on, and click on the corresponding report icon to the right side of the field:

When you click on the icon, a dialog box will pop up, allowing you to choose which information you'd like to be included in the report: 

Choose the information you'd like to review, and then click on "Generate Report!" 

Quick, easy, and designed to allow you to have a little more information, right at your fingertips! 🎉 

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